Tutorial JSF PrimeFaces

Tutorial: JSF PrimeFaces


JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java framework for building web applications. It is designed to be easy to use, yet powerful enough to support complex applications. PrimeFaces is a popular JSF component library that provides a wide range of components for building rich internet applications (RIAs).

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use JSF and PrimeFaces to build a simple web application. We will cover the following topics:

* Creating a JSF project
* Using PrimeFaces components
* Binding data to JSF components
* Handling events in JSF
* Deploying a JSF application

Getting Started

To get started, you will need the following:

* A Java development environment (JDK 8 or higher)
* A web server (Apache Tomcat 8 or higher)
* A JSF implementation (Mojarra 2.3 or higher)
* The PrimeFaces library (8.0 or higher)

Once you have installed the required software, you can create a new JSF project. To do this, open your Java development environment and create a new Java EE project. In the project wizard, select the “Web Application” template.

Using PrimeFaces Components

PrimeFaces provides a wide range of components that can be used to build RIAs. These components include data tables, charts, menus, and more. To use a PrimeFaces component, you simply need to add the component tag to your JSF page.

For example, to add a data table to your page, you would use the following code:

<h:dataTable value="#{bean.data}" var="item">

This code will create a data table that displays the data from the bean.data property. The var attribute specifies the variable that will be used to represent each row in the data table. The h:column tags specify the columns that will be displayed in the data table.

Binding Data to JSF Components

In order to display data in your JSF components, you need to bind the data to the components. This can be done using the value attribute.

For example, to bind the bean.data property to the data table, you would use the following code:

<h:dataTable value="#{bean.data}" var="item">

This code will create a data table that displays the data from the bean.data property.

Handling Events in JSF

JSF events are handled using the action attribute. The action attribute specifies the method that will be called when the event is triggered.

For example, to handle the click event on a button, you would use the following code:

<h:commandButton value="Click Me" action="#{bean.onClick}" />

This code will create a button that, when clicked, will call the bean.onClick method.

Deploying a JSF Application

Once you have developed your JSF application, you can deploy it to a web server. To do this, you will need to package your application as a WAR file.

To package your application as a WAR file, you can use the following command:

mvn package war

This command will create a WAR file in the target directory.

Once you have packaged your application, you can deploy it to a web server. To do this, you will need to copy the WAR file to the web server’s deployment directory.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to use JSF and PrimeFaces to build a simple web application. We have covered the following topics:

* Creating a JSF project
* Using PrimeFaces components
* Binding data to JSF components
* Handling events in JSF
* Deploying a JSF application

By using JSF and PrimeFaces, you can quickly and easily build powerful web applications.


1. What is JSF?

JSF is a Java framework for building web applications. It is designed to be easy to use, yet powerful enough to support complex applications.

2. What is PrimeFaces?

PrimeFaces is a popular JSF component library that provides a wide range of components for building rich internet applications (RIAs).

3. How do I create a JSF project?

To create a JSF project, you will need a Java development environment, a web server, a JSF implementation, and the PrimeFaces library. Once you have installed the required software, you can create a new JSF project by opening your Java development environment and creating a new Java EE project. In the project wizard, select the “Web Application” template.

4. How do I use PrimeFaces components?

To use a PrimeFaces component, you simply need to add the component tag to your JSF page.

5. How do I bind data to JSF components?

To bind data to JSF components, you need to use the value attribute.

6. How do I handle events in JSF?

JSF events are handled using the action attribute.

7. How do I deploy a JSF application?

To deploy a JSF application, you will need to package your application as a WAR file and copy the WAR file to the web server’s deployment directory.

8. Where can I learn more about JSF?

You can learn more about JSF at the following website:


9. Where can I learn more about PrimeFaces?

You can learn more about PrimeFaces at the following website:


10. Where can I find examples of JSF applications?

You can find examples of JSF applications at the following website:
